An annual class running on Tuesdays, 9,30am-2.30pm rolling course with break weeks during half terms and school holidays.
A weekly class aimed at anyone that wants to learn how to throw consistently, accurately and efficiently, across a range of forms. If you have been attending general classes, or are self taught and want to move to the next level with your throwing, we have designed this course for you.
The current class is SOLD OUT.
Join the waiting list below.
This is a subscription course. Fees are £50 per week on a rolling subscription (weekly payments) = 36 weeks = £1,800 annually
We have 1 x bursary place for this programme for a place starting 14th January details below.
This course is taught, during the tutored hours, by Lauren Nicholas, a potter with production throwing experience @lauren_nicholas_ceramics
An ongoing production throwing course focused on practice.
For x 5 people working on the wheel.
Taught by LAUREN NICHOLAS an experienced production thrower, with additional built in practice time to build up your hours on the wheel.
Phase One
When you start the course you will be throwing cylinders repetitively, and then to set dimensions, expect to throw a minimum of 50 cylinders before moving to different shapes.
Phase Two
Designing and reproducing your own shape
Phase three
Moving onto throwing smaller shapes off the hump, smaller bowls and/ or little jugs
Phase four
Recreating a shape given
NOTES: All participants will start at phase one and move into phase 2 when ready*
Each participant will move through each phase according to their own development/when ready
All work will be recycled each week by our in-house technicians / with the exception that at the end of each phase participants will throw 3 identical items which will be trimmed and can be glazed and fired to keep.
*when ready will be determined in discussion with your tutor.
Tuesdays > Arrival 9.30am
Prep/wedge & weigh clay > 9.30am-10.00am
Tuition > 10am-12.30pm
Lunch & practice > 12.30pm -2.30pm. Select 2 pieces for review & trim following week.
First day introduction to Coombe and welcome to space from Lara Lloyd Coombe director.
Total programme = 36 weeks annually *
In addition to the main tutor there will be 4 guest potter sessions per year. Guests will will come and join for lunch at points during your course for some facilitated group discussions and support.
Participants on this course can also:
Join as paid Members The Hub to access the pottery during the rest of the week
Apply as Technician Apprentices to gain free Hub membership in return for technical support and training 8 hours per week.
Attend Immersive Courses at Coombe with 5% discount.
This programme opens on 14th January 2025 and is an ongoing/rolling programme that you can join anytime, if places available.
FIRST DAY 14th January, every week with break weeks as follows:
Feb Half term > 18th Feb
Easter > 8th & 15th April
May Half term > 27th May
June break > 24th June (because we’re running Adam Frew course)
Summer Break > July 22nd, 29th, August, 5, 12th, 19th, 26th, Sept 2nd
2.5 hrs tuition / 1.5hours practice
If you miss a week you can’t ‘make it up’ another time, it’s a missed week.
You can exit at anytime/during any phase, with one month’s notice.